Thursday 5 December 2013

Noctis Feature

Today I received such a big surprise, which totally made my day! I was reading my twitter feed when I saw my name, Pocket Lockett, posted by Noctis magazine, who I made an illustration for a few months ago. I had no idea what it was until I clicked on the link which led me to their blog page. They had written a secret feature about me! Reading the words that had been written about me made me blush, laugh and smile like a cheshire cat! It was so nice to see that people think so highly of you! I couldnt of been happier and I thank Noctis Magazine for this lovely post! Words can not describe how flattered I am right now! ♥
For the feature click here!

Tuesday 24 September 2013

subMISSION Kaleidoscope Issue!

A few months back I found a submit section on subMISSION magazine, so I thought why don't I have a look. This lead to me finding out that their next issue was going to be a Kaleidoscope Issue. I couldn't contain my excitement and immediately emailed them my flower patterns that I had made as part of my second year of my degree.
They emailed back telling me that they loved the patterns and wanted to publish them in the issue. This was back in July and the issue was to be released in September, so for what felt like a life time I had to eagerly wait to see the magazine. But It was defiantly worth the wait, the magazine looks amazing and I can now share this with you all!

To see the full feature of work visit their website: Click Here. The work is featured on pages 112-117

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Zeum Magazine - Best of Online Zine V | An Eye For Art

I never expected that a few weeks after my feature in Zeum Magazine, that I would receive an email from them asking me to be a part of their 'Best of Online Zine'. This was my first piece of work was going to be published in a fully printed magazine, so you can imagine how excited I was!

Having my work published twice by the same magazine is very flattering! They are very lovely people and I am pleased to now have my own copy of the magazine to share with you all! I have been waiting to see the magazine all summer, but seeing my work printed and being able to hold the published magazine in my hands made me so happy. It's things like this that really build your confidence and make you feel like your going somewhere as an Illustrator.
So thank you Zeum, you've made me a very happy girl :)

Monday 29 July 2013

The Blue Umbrella

It might sound childish, but for my 20th birthday celebration I went to see Monsters University. Animation is something that has always been very close to my heart and always will be! Aside from the film being great there was one thing that really tugged at my heart strings! 
This was a short movie called "The Blue Umbrella", a cute little story about a Blue Umbrella falls in love with a Red Umbrella. Unfortunately I can't find a clip of the animation but trust me when I say its adorable! 

Saturday 6 July 2013

Hebden Bridge Open Studios

My mothers love of Kate Lycett paintings got us to take a trip to the beautiful little village of Hebden Bridge this Saturday. The whole place was so busy! I instantly fell in love with it and I really, really want to live there one day! :)

We firstly looked into Kate's open house to pick our new painting, this was the hardest thing, because we loved everything we saw! After loads of time trying to pick we decided on two pieces! Plus a beautiful lantern! Even treated my self to a little greeting card :)

The use of colours and gold leaf in her work is so beautiful and greatly inspires my use of jewel like colours! 

While we were waiting for our painting to be mounted we also went to look at Talya Baldwin's Illustrations, they were so pretty! Lovely pencil drawings combined with other techniques very much like my own work, which gave me some ideas for future projects! 

I can't wait to go to the open studios again next year! :D 

Friday 28 June 2013

Prom Photographing

Well, my baby sister was all grown up today heading to her high school prom! 
It was strange to think that at the same time four years ago I was going to my prom. It made me feel a bit old! Which I guess is bad to say when your only 19, haha! 

Photographing her and all of her friends was stressful, because I couldn't organise them all. They were all too giddy :P But I did get this one which I think looks pretty lovely :) 

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Spindle Magazine

Another great opportunity for my illustration happened last monday. I got an email from Spindle Magazine asking me to create an illustration for their 'Position of the Week' feature.

This was a big challenge for me as I have never done anything based on the theme of exercise before. But I was very happy to accept the challenge! The position I had to illustrate was a 'Plank Up'. In my illustration I wanted to make sure that I clearly showed the movement, but in an artistic way. This resulted in a line drawing of the first position and then a shadow of the second stage of the movement. Which the client said they loved! :) 

To view the illustration on the magazine visit: Spindle Magazine

Tuesday 25 June 2013

GOT A 2:1

I managed to get a 2:1 in my second year of university! Which is great, but the hard work towards a first will defiantly be starting next year! At the start of the year we were told to experiment. I like to think that I have done this, experimenting with paper cutting, sketching and collage. During this year I have learned more about work and the style I suit best. Hopefully in third year I will be able to push this even further and perfect my style. Already have my project ideas in mind!! 

But for now since I finished university for the year I plan on doing a lot of relaxing, catching up with my friends, working to earn money and doing a few little personal projects on the side. I hope to make a new website, planning a combination project with my friend and waiting for some of my work to be published in magazines!

Saturday 1 June 2013

Afternoon at Fixby

As a young international golfer my younger sister Megan is forever getting free clothing and golf equipment from suppliers - the lucky thing!

So today we went to the golf club to photograph some of the clothing that she got, as it isn't worn that much by female golfers. We had a really good time, it was rather funny as all the members gave us some funny looks.

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Zeum Feature

It's always a great feeling when a magazine wants to publish a feature on you. It shows that people admire your work and want others to see it. 

What is even better is, is that I get to learn things about myself that I didn't even know. Writing is not something that comes easily to me, so with every feature that I get asked to write, I have to think over and over again until I find the perfect words. 

The magazine that featured my work is Zeum Magazine, A quarterly art and fashion magazine made in Canada. The best bit about having this feature was the lovely piece Zeum wrote about me. Hearing what they had to say was very flattering and a huge confidence boost. 

"Just as mirroring is a characteristic unique to, and unifying, much of the works produced by illustrator Jade Lockett, or “Pocket Lockett” as she sometimes goes by; we can see Jade’s nostalgia for the past, and her great love of animals and nature; paralleled in her art. We are so excited to here get the chance to introduce those of you who as of yet might be unfamiliar with Jade’s work with a small selection of her lovely and fascinating illustrations and design pieces. And we have a feeling that, much like we at Zeum were at just a glance; you will be as instantly and irrevocably smitten with her work as we were! "

For my feature visit: Zeum Magazine

Friday 10 May 2013


A few weeks back I got a message from my friend Nicole, telling me to check my emails. I was slightly confused by this, but excited to see what it was about. It turned out that she had recommended me to a fashion student who was making a magazine for her Final Major Project. 
The magazine, Preview, shows up and coming designers, photographers and so on. I thought the idea was great and was really flattered that my friend thought of me and that Yvonne liked my work. Shame that the magazine isn't real because it is such a good idea it would be lovely to see it on the shelves! 

Thursday 2 May 2013


While I was wondering around my garden taking pictures of flowers to inspire my latest project, I stumbled across heather with loads of bee's buzzing around! I was so eager to get a nice picture of a little bee, this was one that I managed to get. It wasn't easy because I was terrified that I was going to get stung! It was so amazing watching them fly around collecting pollen. 

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Deadline Day

Deadline days are so stressful. But when I realised that this will be the last deadline of my second year, I actually start to feel a little sad. 
Only feels like yesterday that I was fresh faced second year waiting for lots of new challenges. It feels like it has been and gone in the blink of an eye and now all I have to do is wait. 
Wait for final year, wait for grades and wait for a dissertation topic to hit me in the face. 

Second year might of been stressful and tiring. But third year is most likely going to be the death of me, haha! 

But I'm looking forward to it! :D 

Friday 26 April 2013


Well today hasn't started off too great to be honest. 
I came into University early so that I could print out my final pieces for Tuesday. 

And I firstly forgot my log in card so I couldn't get into my classroom, so I had to wait till someone let me in. 
Then, I thought I had been shut out of my computer account as it wouldn't log me in. This got on my last nerve till I realised I was being an complete idiot and putting my college log in details in, haha. 
So now I am finally logged on I was going to print out my work, to then realise the printer isn't working. 

Now with nothing to do I am waiting for a lesson on CV's with no CV to show my lectures - cause of the printer not working! 

Today couldn't get much worse really could it? :P 

Looking forward to a nice meal out with the boyfriend to end a pretty stupid day so far :P 

Monday 22 April 2013


Well talk about hit and miss weather! 

Been down to Aberdovey, Wales for the weekend to watch my younger sister play in the Mid Wales Open Championship. 
On the first day it was beautiful glorious sunshine, it was like summer had come early. Then the next day, you knew you were in Wales. 'Cause it hammered it down with rain and it blew a gale! I couldn't believe it! And then by the end of the round the sun was trying to break its way through. 

But the regardless of the second day being spoilt by the weather, the first day was lovely and it was nice to be back on the golf course again. 

We also got to say in a really cute tree top cabin, you could see right over the bay! The funniest bit of the weekend was messing with the electric meter. We had to pay for our electric and we got a pound stuck in the machine, so we had to call the lady who owned the cabin at half ten in the night just to fix it for us! Lesson learned don't use electric meters! They are evil! haa :) 

Thursday 18 April 2013

Morpholo Tiles

For my most recent University project I had to create a series of tiles reflecting on the human form, as part of our life drawing classes. The aim was to create vector drawings on illustrator that followed a rule. Depending on which square you had picked, you could only have black colour coming out of the black corners and the white corners had to stay white. 
This will lead to us playing a game, like a jigsaw with the tiles. Which I am really looking forward too! :D 

Monday 15 April 2013

Noctis Magazine Released!

After months of waiting my illustration for Noctis Magazine has been released and I actually couldnt be any happier right now! :D It was a great opportunity being asked to work for the magazine, and hopefully its gonna lead to a lot more exposure and work :D  

The illustration was for the "Noctis Playlist", the theme of this piece was Spring Fling. After talking to the Art director a brief was set to base the piece on the song "Let's Pretend We're Bunny Rabbits". This was perfect for me, because of my love for Rabbits :) 

The illustration has helped me to develop my work and learn more about my style of work! 

Final weeks

The holidays are finally over and now it is back to the reality of University for only two more weeks! 
After these two weeks all my projects will be handed in and I will start working full time at my waitressing job. Scary thought!

I have even reapplied for my student finance for the last time! Can't get over the fact that I'm going to be a fourth year in a few months, it only seems like yesterday I started! It's been so worth it thought, learned so much about my work, it's been a great experience :) 

During the last week I have been helping my friend Nicole Jopek with her photography work. 
She is very talented you should all have a look:

We did two shoots this week, the first was a location shoot in Leeds at the 'The Living Room', which was based on a 50's glamour theme. The dresses that the fashion management students picked for the shoot where absolutely stunning! Very formal. 

The second shoot was and in the University Studio, a beauty shoot based on the things that are in makeup that we don't know about. The best part of all of these shoots had to be putting seaweed in my friend Sophie's hair :)

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Busy Bee

Been so long since I posted! But im just in the process of catching up on all my university work so its made me a bit forgetful :P 

Recently I was asked to be part of a Third Year Fashion Students final project, in which she is going to make a magazine that introduces young talent. She asked me to try some illustrative type. Which I was very excited about! So this is my first attempt :) 

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Work in progress

After a little bit of artist's block I have finally got a new project on the go! 
Which I think is starting to show me a style in my work and helping me to take my mind of the scary things I have just been told about my third year at University! 
Really excited to keep making more designs and see where I can take the project. 
I'm a very happy Jade right now! :D